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Obituary Forms
If you have any questions regarding the different obituaries
please call Irene at (620) 532-3151. Of if you have already written an obituary
you can fax it to (620) 532-3152 (charges may apply). If you fax an obituary
you MUST include your name and telephone number and the contact information
of the funeral home that is handling the arrangements.
Click here to submit basic information to be published in a free obituary in
the Kingman Leader-Courier and KCNOnline.com.
Click here to submit basic information to be published in an obituary in the
Kingman Leader-Courier and KCNOnline.com with a photo.
Click here to submit more detailed information to be published in an obituary
in the Kingman Leader-Courier and KCNOnline.com with a photo (if available).
Click here to
submit the most detailed information to be published in an obituary in the Kingman
Leader-Courier and KCNOnline.com with a photo (if available).