Grant County Commission Minutes


Board of Commissioners of Grant County, Oklahoma (BOCC) held a regular meeting Monday, August 28, 2023, at 9:00 am. Notice of the Meeting, including agenda, was posted at both entrances of the Grant County Courthouse, Medford, OK, Friday, August 25, 2023, by 9:00 am. in accordance with Title 25, §301-314 O.S.

Stinson called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. After roll call, a quorum was acknowledged. Present were Steve Stinson, Craig A Fredrick, and Max L Hess. Also present were Alexandra Brittain, Penny Huff, and Jason Jump. Teleconferencing was enabled to comply with the Open Meetings Act. All three commissioners used their signature stamp.

Hess gave the prayer and Fredrick led the flag salute. 

 Brittain acknowledged the agenda was properly posted in compliance with the Open Meeting Act. 

At 9:02 a.m., Hess moved to proceed to item number nine (9) on the agenda and enter Executive Session per Title 25 O.S. § 307{B}(1} – Discussing the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining or resignation of any individual salaried public officer or employee – Scott Falkenberg. Fredrick seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried.

At 9:56 a.m., Hess moved to re-enter regular session and take no action on Executive Session per Title 25 O.S. § 307{B}(1} – Discussing the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining or resignation of any individual salaried public officer or employee – Scott Falkenberg. Fredrick seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried.

At 9:57 a.m., Fredrick moved to proceed to agenda item 6a. Hess seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried.

Hess moved to approve (2) Transfers of Appropriations as follows: Highway District 3 M&O 1102-6-4300-2005 to Rentals/Leases $30000.00 and Highway District 1 Rentals and Leases 1102-6-4100-2040 to M&O 1102-6-4100-2005 $30000.00. Fredrick seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried. 

Fredrick moved to approve Blanket Purchase Orders. Hess seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried. 

Hess moved to approve Purchase Orders and Travel Claims. Fredrick seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried.

AMB SVC-ST 9, PIONEER TELE, 198.21,10, ZOLL MEDICAL, 248.80,; ASSR REV FEE 4, XEROX, 151.13,; Fair Improve-ST 17, CHISHOLM BROADBAND, 88.00,; General 250, D.A.L. SECURITY, 42.00,  251, COUNTY BUDGETING SERV, 625.00,  252, SOUTHERN TIRE MART, 403.30,  253, FARMERS GRAIN, 48.29,  254, CROSSROADS CO MARKET, 8.18,  255, HULL, ANITA, 145.07,  256, FARMERS GRAIN, 23.22,; Health 28, HELM, TERESA, 87.77,  29, TNT PEST CONTROL, 40.00,  30, ROBERT MANDEVILL, 170.00,; Highway 270, SERVICE OKLA, 15.00,  271, PRAIRIELAND PARTNERS, 203.94,  272, KIRBY- SMITH, 1189.74,  273, ACCO, 95.00,  274, OSU-FST, 252.00,  275, CED #8, 7.00,  276, PIONEER TELE, 233.04,  277, SERVICE OKLA, 15.00,  278, SHATTUCK NATL BANK, 2452.17,  279, ANCHOR D BANK, 8293.44,  280, SHATTUCK NATL BANK, 4872.60,  281, SHATTUCK NATL BANK, 1217.18,  282, SHATTUCK NATL BANK, 6186.41,  283, ANCHOR D BANK, 7134.53,  284, SECURITY NATL BANK, 7775.75,  285, SHATTUCK NATL BANK, 1618.66,  286, ARMSTRONG BANK, 4833.91,  287, SHATTUCK NATL BANK, 6665.26,  288, SECURITY NATL BANK, 1522.58,  289, SHATTUCK NATL BANK, 1827.18,  290, SHATTUCK NATL BANK, 2401.28,  291, SECURITY NATL BANK, 1189.97,; Rural Fire-ST 25, FARMERS GRAIN, 74.50,  26, PIONEER TELE, 115.92,  27, AEC, 398.00,  28, FARMERS GRAIN, 163.28,; Sheriff-ST 3, AMAZON CAPITAL SERV, 85.98,; SH Svc Fee  37, OK DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, 390.00

Hess moved to approve the minutes of the 08-21-23 regular meeting. Fredrick seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried. 

Fredrick moved to accept and award Bid 2023-08A rebid from Six Month Materials Bid for rock to Dolese. Hess seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried.

Hess moved to accept and award Bid 2023-13 Firecom Wireless Communication System for the Hawley Fire Department to Spirit Electronics for $33,410.00. Fredrick seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried.

Hess moved to approve Bid Notice 2023-12A Rebid of Construction Manager for GC Health Department Building- New Facility. Fredrick seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried.

Fredrick moved to approve the FY 22-23 SEFA Report for the State Auditor’s Office. Hess seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried.

Hess moved to approve the FY 22-23 Treasurer’s Financial Statement. Fredrick seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried.

Fredrick moved to postpone the approval of the Apprentice quote for IT for the Election Board Office until 9-5-2023. Hess seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried.

No New Business.

Hess reported D1 was mowing, mowing, mowing!  

Fredrick reported D2 was moving dirt and mowing.

Stinson reported D3 was doing ditch work and trying to keep up with the demand of mowing season.

 At 10:53 a.m. Hess moved to adjourn. Fredrick seconded. Stinson – aye; Fredrick – aye; Hess – aye; Motion carried.

Approved this 5th day of September 2023


/s/ Steve Stinson, Chairman                                
/s/ Craig A. Fredrick, Vice Chairman                               
/s/ Max L. Hess, Member                                     
/s/ Cindy Pratt, County Clerk

Jason Jump is an award-winning journalist and photographer. He has a wide range of education and experience. Jump started out his newspaper career as a sports editor for a daily paper in western Oklahoma. After a short stint in journalism he went on to coach basketball and teach from the junior high classroom all the way to college. He started an online newspaper in Texas and managed it for 10 years before moving to Kansas to purchase the Kingman Leader-Courier. Jump and his wife, Stephanie now own four newspapers in south central Kansas and north central Oklahoma via M3 Publishing, LLC.


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