Kingman County Election – Candidates



Notice is hereby given that pursuant to K.S.A. 25-2108a General Election of certain board members in Unified School District #331, Unified School District #332, Unified School District #268 At Large and city officials of Incorporated Cities, Kingman County, State of Kansas, will be conducted on the 7th day of November, 2023.

The names of the candidates and the positions for which each is a candidate are as follows:

Board Member District #2 USD 331:
KRISTI BROWN, 4848 NW 20 Ave, Kingman, KS  67068

Board Member District #3 USD 331:
ADRIAN L. KOSTNER,  225 E H Ave, Kingman, KS  67068
HAROLD FORCUM, 1998 NE 30th St, Kingman, KS  67068
ANGIE MALONEY, 2325 N Main St, Kingman, KS  67068

Board Member District #4 USD 331:
ERRICA PARSONS, 1113 S High St., Kingman, KS  67068

Board Member District #7 At-Large USD 331:
KARI GOLDSTON, 403 S Brown St., Kingman, KS  67068
MICHELE KYLE, 136 N Briarwood St., Kingman,  KS  67068
LESLIE KREHBIEL, 2435 N Marquette, Kingman, KS 67068 

Board Member District 332-At-Large Positions:
JUSTIN DEAN MACK, 221 N Henderson, Cunningham, KS 67035
TRAVIS THIMESCH, 7710 SW 100 Ave, Spivey,  KS  67142
BRENT MILLER, 17418 SW 30 St., Cunningham,  KS  67035
JASON OSNER, 2503 NW 170th Ave, Cunningham,  KS  67035
ABBY BOCK, 14862 SW 110 St., Nashville,  KS  67112

Board Member USD 268 At Large Position:
STACY DEVORE, 2377 SE 170 Ave, Cheney, KS 67025
PATRICK LYNCH, 553 Bob White Ave, Cheney, KS 67025
TROY PRESLEY, 4150 S 375th St W, Cheney, KS 67025
TAYLOR WOO ROBERTSON, 642 E Allison, Cheney, KS 67025
AARON RUST, 1660 N Main St, Cheney, KS 67025
MIKE SATTERLEE, 528 E 6th Ave, Cheney, KS 67025
MATT VOTH, 16411 NE 30th St, Cheney, KS 67025
CHERIELLE YOUNG, 4425 S 359h St W, Cheney, KS 67025

Kingman City Commissioners:

JAMES (CHRIS) INGERSOLL, 834 N Spruce St., Kingman, KS  67068
JIM LORD, 414 W H Ave, Kingman, KS  67068
MERLIN MCFARLAND, 1945 Jayhawk Dr, Kingman, KS  67068
JON WOLLEN, 1851 Double Tree Ln., PO BOX 501, Kingman KS  67068
DANNY MCDORMAN, 635 N Cedar St., PO Box 283, Kingman, KS  67068

Zenda City Mayor:

Zenda City Council:

Norwich City Mayor:
MITCHELL J. HEWITT, 318 Briarwood, PO Box 91, Norwich, KS  67118

Norwich City Council:
STEVE VAN GIESON, 239 S Morningside, Norwich, KS  67118
CHAD ALLENDER, 106 S Parkway St., Norwich, KS  67118
NATHAN ADAMS, 441 Morningside, Norwich, KS  67118
ELDON HEADRICK, 133 N Westview St., Norwich, KS  67118

Cunningham City Council:
JASON RUCKLE, PO Box 152, Cunningham, KS  67035
TANNER NEWELL, PO Box 124, Cunningham, KS  67035
TIM SCHULTZ, 211 West 4th St., Cunningham, KS  67035

Nashville City Mayor:
THOMAS D. VOYLES, 209 S Cowgill, PO Box 69, Nashville, KS 67112
DONNA CLOUGH, 430 S Main, Nashville, KS 67112

Nashville City Council:
BARBARA L. KLAUSMEYER, 230 Rowlen, Nashville, KS 67112
SANDRA LAMPE, 206 S Gregory, PO Box 37, Nashville, KS  67112
TERRY MCKENNON, 106 S Cowgill, PO Box 4, Nashville, KS 67112

Penalosa City Mayor:

Penalosa City Council:

Spivey City Mayor:

Spivey City Council:

VOTING FOR THIS GENERAL ELECTION WILL BE AS FOLLOWS:  Please check your polling location for this election.


Kingman EXPO CENTER (South Room):
1st Ward of Kingman City
2nd Ward of Kingman City
3rd Ward of Kingman City
4th Ward of Kingman City

Kingman EXPO CENTER (North Room):
All of Hoosier Township
All of White Township in U.S.D. #331
All of Ninnescah Township
All of Belmont Township 
All of Richland Township

Cunningham Community Center:
All of Eureka Township and all of Penalosa City
All of Union Township
Cunningham City
All of Dresden Township
All of Rural Township

Murdock Methodist Church:
Galesburg Township in U.S.D. #331
All of Evan Township
All of Dale Township
All of Vinita Township

Zenda Community Center:
All of Chikaskia Township 
All of Valley Township in U.S.D. #331
All of Rochester Township
All of Liberty Township
Nashville City
Zenda City
Spivey City
All of Kingman Township
All of Peters Township

Norwich Dotzour Center:
All of Allen Township
All of Eagle Township
All of Bennett Township
Norwich City
All of Canton Township in U.S.D. #331
Sumner County in U.S.D. #331
Sedgwick County in U.S.D. #331
Harper County in U.S.D. #331

Persons living in Pratt County in the 332 School District will vote in Pratt County.

Persons living in Reno County in the 331 School District will vote in Reno County.

Persons living in Kingman County in the 268 School District will vote at the Murdock Methodist Church, Murdock, KS.

Persons living in Kingman County in the 311 School District will vote in Pretty Prairie.

Persons living in Kingman County in the 361 School District will vote in Harper County.

The Officer conducting the School Board General Election and Cities General Election is the election officer of Kingman County, Kansas and the election headquarters for this election will be located at the County Clerk’s Office, Kingman County Courthouse, Kingman, Kansas.

Witness my hand and official seal this 10th day of August, 2023.



                             Carol D Noblit

      Kingman County Election Officer

Jason Jump is an award-winning journalist and photographer. He has a wide range of education and experience. Jump started out his newspaper career as a sports editor for a daily paper in western Oklahoma. After a short stint in journalism he went on to coach basketball and teach from the junior high classroom all the way to college. He started an online newspaper in Texas and managed it for 10 years before moving to Kansas to purchase the Kingman Leader-Courier. Jump and his wife, Stephanie now own four newspapers in south central Kansas and north central Oklahoma via M3 Publishing, LLC.


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