Kingman County – Notice of Bids

Notice is hereby given that Kingman County, Kansas is soliciting bids for the construction of Kingman County Bridge OS D.0-6.2 Repair. The project consists of constructing riprap stone abutment berms and reinforced concrete pier walls. All Federal, State and County regulations must be complied with. Sealed bids for the proposed construction will be received by Kingman County until 11:00 a.m. local time September 18, 2023, in the Commissioner’s Room of the Kingman County Courthouse at Kingman, Kansas at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents may be examined at the County Clerk’s Office in the Kingman County Courthouse, Kingman County Public Works Department, and at the Engineer’s Office at Kirkham, Michael & Associates, Inc., 217 N. Douglas, Ellsworth, Kansas 67439. 

Jason Jump is an award-winning journalist and photographer. He has a wide range of education and experience. Jump started out his newspaper career as a sports editor for a daily paper in western Oklahoma. After a short stint in journalism he went on to coach basketball and teach from the junior high classroom all the way to college. He started an online newspaper in Texas and managed it for 10 years before moving to Kansas to purchase the Kingman Leader-Courier. Jump and his wife, Stephanie now own four newspapers in south central Kansas and north central Oklahoma via M3 Publishing, LLC.


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