City of Medford – Sealed Bids

The City of Medford is accepting sealed bids for Lot Seven (7), Lot Eight (8), Lot Nine (9), Lot Ten (10), Lot Eleven (11), and Lot Twelve (12), Block Nineteen (19), Grattans Addition, City of Medford, Grant County, Oklahoma. The lots will be sold in “as is” condition and the minimum bid accepted on the property will be $500.00. Sealed bids will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on Monday, November 13, 2023. Bids will be opened at the November 13, 2023 City Council meeting. Bids must be presented on the official bid sheet provided by the City of Medford and can be picked up at Medford City Hall at 615 N. Front Street. Interested parties can contact the City Clerk at 580-395-2823 and request that a bid sheet be emailed, faxed, or mailed. All sealed bids are due back to the City Clerk at 615 N. Front St. by 3:00 p.m. on November 13th with the sealed envelope clearly marked with “Sealed Bid”. If mailing in a bid, please mail to P.O. Box 123. The Medford City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. In the event of a tie bid, tying parties will be notified and given a chance to increase their bid. The winning bidder will have until Friday, November 17, 2023 to pay for the property and a quit claim deed will be presented at that time.

Jason Jump is an award-winning journalist and photographer. He has a wide range of education and experience. Jump started out his newspaper career as a sports editor for a daily paper in western Oklahoma. After a short stint in journalism he went on to coach basketball and teach from the junior high classroom all the way to college. He started an online newspaper in Texas and managed it for 10 years before moving to Kansas to purchase the Kingman Leader-Courier. Jump and his wife, Stephanie now own four newspapers in south central Kansas and north central Oklahoma via M3 Publishing, LLC.


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