Harper County: Trend Analysis Results 2025

Legal Notice-Trend Analysis Results

Harper County Appraiser

Harper County Courthouse

201 N Jennings Ave

Anthony, KS 67003

Phone (620) 842-3718

Results of Market Study Analysis for Harper County for the Assessment Year 2025 Pursuant to K.S.A. 7901460a

Annually, at least five business days prior to the mailing of change of value notices pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1460a, and amendments thereto, the county or district appraiser shall cause to be published in the official county newspaper the results of the market study and analysis as prescribed by the Director of Property Valuation of the Kansas Department of Revenue.

A study of the residential real estate market indicated that there is an overall inflationary trend for the valuation year of 2025. 

A study of the commercial real estate market indicated that there is an overall inflationary trend for the valuation year of 2025.

A study of the real estate market for vacant lots indicated that there is an overall inflationary trend for the valuation year of 2025.

Values on specific properties may not follow the indicated trends because changes in the property, correction of descriptive data or an adjustment of the values based on sales of similar properties. Some properties may increase at a greater rate while some properties may decrease or change in valuation only slightly.

Agriculture land values have been established by the Division of Property Valuation and Kansas State University. In accordance with the provisions in K.S.A.79-1476, the Division of Property Valuation is required to annually furnish each county the results of its study relation to changes, if any, of the use value of agricultural land. Changes can and do occur as a result of several factors including, but not limited to, cropping practices, commodity prices and production costs.

Harper County will implement the agricultural land values as provided by the Division of Property Valuation. These values are available for review with the County Appraiser’s Office.


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