Kingman County: Surface Overlay Bids




 Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the County Clerk, Kingman County Courthouse, Kingman, Kansas, until 11:00 AM, on February 24th, 2025, at which time the proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud for:


The Surface Overlay Project RS 989 consists of a road segment on RS 989 (SE 160 Street) as described below.

Project RS 989

The project involves an asphalt overlay consisting of a 1″ leveling course and a 1.5″ surface course on a segment of RS 989 (SE 160th) about 7 miles long beginning at the north edge of pavement of SE 60th and extending 7 miles north at the south edge of pavement of NE 10th. Exceptions for the overlay include the bridge(s) located about 0.7 miles north and 3.9 miles north of SE 60th. The project is based on 20.0′ to 21.0′ wide surfaces.

The bid quantities for the program consist of the following total approximate quantities of work: 

I-IMA-Commercial Grade (Class A) 11,009 Ton

I-IMA-Commercial Grade (Class A) (Patching)                  7 Ton

Milling                                                                      1909 Sq. Yd

Pavement Marking (Temp.) 4″ Broken (3′) (Type II) 355 Sta/Line

Mobilization                                                                Lump Sum

Traffic Control                                                             Lump Sum

Flagger (Set Price)                                                             1 Hour

All equipment, materials and workmanship must be in accordance with the Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction of the Kansas Department of Transportation, 2007 Edition, with all Supplemental Specifications and the Special Provisions that include applicable local construction standards and procedures as provided with the contract documents.

Copies of the contract documents will be on file at the Kingman County Clerk’s office, Kingman County Courthouse, Kingman, Kansas, the office of the County Engineer, and in the office of Schwab Eaton, 5410 Ledge Stone Drive, Manhattan, Kansas 66503. Bidders may secure a set of such documents (except the Standard Specs., 2007 Ed) for the project from Schwab Eaton with a deposit of $90.00.  No refund will be made for returned plans.  Three additional sets of documents (except Standard Specs., 2007 Ed.) will be furnished to the successful bidder. Electronic copies of the construction documents are available at

All bidders must be prequalified with the Kansas Department of Transportation for the type and amount of work covered under this contract.

A bid deposit in the form of a certified check on a solvent Kansas bank or a satisfactory bid bond in an amount equal to five percent of the total bid price must accompany the bid.

Bidders shall direct all questions concerning the plans and contract documents to Schwab Eaton.

Bidders will be required to furnish the number of calendar days in the Proposal necessary to complete the work from the date of the Notice to Proceed. It is required that the project be completed by October I 0, 2024.

No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of 30 days after the date of the opening of bids.

The bidder to whom a contract is awarded will be required to furnish performance and statutory bonds acceptable to Kingman County, each in the amount of the total contract price in conformity with the requirements of the contract documents.

The right is reserved by the County to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities therein, to determine which is the lowest responsible bid most suitable to the County and to approve the bonds.