SIM FUND II LLC, a Colorado limited liability company,
1776 TRANSPORTATION LLC, an Oklahoma
limited liability company;
Case No. CJ-2024-3
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a special execution and order of sale issued out of the District Court of Grant County, Oklahoma, on April 16th, 2025, in an action wherein SIM Fund II LLC was the Plaintiff and Caleb James Pence and Candra Kim Pence, and 1776 were Defendants, directed to me, the Sheriff of Grant County, Oklahoma, commanding me to levy upon and sell, separately, with appraisement the following described properties in Grant County, Oklahoma, to-wit:
Tract 1:
The North 11 feet of the South 25 feet of Lot 4 Block 2 South Addition Manchester, Oklahoma (with all improvements and
Tract 2:
The South 39 feet of Lot 6 and all of Lots 7 & 8 in Block 2 South Addition Manchester, Grant Co. State of Oklahoma, together with American Eagle Double Wide Trailer: 6026- 3RFBF2, VIN #GF0S-0244, is declared by Court to be permanently part of the property, with all improvements and all mineral rights.
Tract 3:
The East Twenty Feet (E.20′) of the South Thirty-Five Feet (S.35′) of Lots Two (2) and the East Twenty Feet (E.20′) of Lot Three (3) and all of Lots Four (4), Five (5) and Six (6), in Block One (1), South Addition to the Town of Manchester, Grant County, Oklahoma,
Tract 4:
A tract of land being a part of the West-Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Fourteen (14), Township Twenty-Nine North, (29N), Range Eight (8), W.1.M., Grant County, Oklahoma, bounded as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Comer of the tract of land, heretofore platted as the South Addition to the Town of Manchester, Oklahoma; Thence South along the East line of said Addition 1400 Feet to the Southeast Comer thereof; Thence East 228 Feet to the dividing line between the East-Half and the West-Half of said Quarter Section; Thence North along said dividing line to the North line of said Quarter Section; Thence West along North lien of said Quarter Section 216 Feet to the place of beginning, LESS AND EXCEPT the right of way of the Santa Fe Railway across said land, LESS AND EXCEPT the North 150 Feet and the South 1100 Feet of said tract of land as determined by the West line of said tract of land,
Tract 5:
The North 150′ of a tract of land, being part of the W/2 of the SW/4 of Section Fourteen (14), Township Twenty-Nine North (29N), Range Eight (8), W.I.M., Grant County, Oklahoma, bounded as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of the tract of land heretofore platted as the South Addition to the Town of Manchester, Oklahoma, thence South along the East line of said Addition 1400 Feet to the Southeast Comer thereof, thence East 228 Feet to the dividing line between the East-Half and the West-Half of said Quarter Section, thence North along said dividing line to the North line of said Quarter Section, thence West along the North line of said Quarter Section 216 Feet to the place of beginning, LESS AND EXCEPT the right of way of the Santa Fe Railway across said land.
Tract 6:
A trace of parcel of land lying in the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Twenty-Nine (29N), Range Eight (8), W.1.M., Grant County, Oklahoma, more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land 100 Feet wide through the said SW/4 of Sl4-T29N-R8W, said parcel being Fifty Feet (50′) on either side of the former right of way of the Gulf Railroad Company, over and across the aforementioned SW/4, with said parcel containing 5.97 acres, more or less.
to satisfy a judgment and decree of mortgage foreclosure obtained and made in said Court on January 9, 2025, in favor of the Plaintiff, SIM Fund II LLC, and against the Defendants, Caleb James Pence and Candra Kim Pence, and 1776, jointly and severally, finding there was due the sum of of $245,695.32 as of January 7, 2025; plus $21,009.79 in interest as of January 7, 2025;
plus interest continuing to accrue from and after January 7, 2025, at the contract rate as set forth in the note sued upon herein until the date of judgment; plus all other charges due and proper under the note sued upon herein and all loan documents associated therewith including, but not limited to, any and all advances for taxes, insurance (being $750.75 as of January 7, 2025), and property preservation expenses during the pendency of this action; plus attorney fees of $11,715.00 as of January 7, 2025; plus all additional attorney fees incurred by the Plaintiff in connection with collection of this judgment; plus costs of $306.89 as of January 7, 20 5; plus all additional costs incurred by the Plaintiff in connection with collection of this judgment; all of said sums bearing interest from and after the date of judgment at the rate as set forth in the note sued upon herein or the statutory rate, whichever is greater.; I, the Sheriff of Grant County, will on the 16th day of April, 2025, at the hour of 10:30 a.m., of said day at the Grant County Courthouse at 112 E. Guthrie Street, in Medford, Oklahoma, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the said properties separately, above described, or as much thereof as will satisfy said judgment with interest, costs and attorneys’ fees, said sale to be subject to taxes on said properties, if any; the appraised value of each tract being sold separately as shown above.
The names of any persons or unknown successors of any person whose actual addresses are unknown who have an interest in said property are: NONE.
WITNESS my hand this 3rd day of March, 2025.
Tim Irvin, Sheriff, Grant Couny, Oklahoma
Vance T. Nye, OBA #15822
4747 Gaillardia Parkway, Suite 100
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73142
(405) 272-4710
Attorneys for Defendant, SIM Fund II LLC